
Student Grievance Committee

If a problem is not resolved informally, students may file a grievance with the Student Grievance Committee.  Any type of student complaint or problem may be presented to the Student Grievance Committee for official review. This campus hearing body follows a set of formal procedures, and the Student Ombudsman will assist students in presenting their case.  The deadline for filing a grievance is the last day of the semester (excluding summer and winter session) after the semester during which the incident occurred. Decisions made by the Student Grievance Committee are not appealable.

Examples of student problems which have been resolved through this process include, but are not limited to:  Disputes over grades, course requirements, conflicts with faculty or staff, fees, and administrative policies and procedures.

The Student Grievance Committee does not lend itself to quick solutions, so a resolution at a lower level is always more desirable. Attempts at such a resolution are required before the committee will accept a case. Paperwork is available in the Office of the Student Ombudsman.