
Academic Dishonesty

Academic Dishonesty (from Executive Order 1098 on Student Judiciary)

Grade Reductions for academic dishonesty shall be handled by faculty members. However, as mandated by Executive Order 1098, the faculty member shall complete the Academic Dishonesty Incident Report form, using the button below, that identifies the student accused of academic dishonesty, the general nature of the offense, the grading action taken, and a recommendation as to whether or not additional action should be considered by the campus judicial affairs office. The completed form is submitted to the Center for Student Rights and Responsibilities.

Academic Dishonesty Incident Report Form

This process provides an opportunity to hold students accountable for academic dishonesty incidents. In addition, faculty are often not aware that some students may have multiple academic dishonesty incidents that may occur with several departments. By having a central location for all academic dishonesty cases, there is a better understanding of the trends in academic dishonesty and the opportunity for academic affairs and student affairs to address any problem trends in a formal way, e.g., Honor Code, more academic dishonesty education/information.