
Complaint Procedure

Complaints against students by SDSU faculty, staff, other students, and members of the campus community should be directed to the Center for Student Rights and Responsibilities as soon as possible after the incident giving rise to the complaint. If submitting the complaint in writing (preferred), the complaint should include, minimally, the date, time, location, parties involved, and a description of the incident.

A discipline referral form (see button below) is available to facilitate this process. Any evidence should also be sent to the office.

Situations requiring immediate attention, e.g., class disruption which is likely to continue, should be reported by phone and followed up in writing as soon as possible. Situations requiring police assistance, e.g., serious disruptions, crimes, or where there is violence or the threat of violence, should be brought to the attention of the Department of Public Safety — 911 immediately. For other police assistance, call 619-594-1991.

Disruption/Discipline Referral Form

Academic Dishonesty Incident Report Form