
Net Price and Cost Calculator for San Diego State University

The "net price" of your education is the approximate cost you and your family should expect to pay using your own funds. The amount will depend on the financial aid you are awarded after you complete your application and provide necessary documentation.

You can use SDSU's Net Price Calculator to estimate the amount of grants you may be eligible to receive if you attend SDSU assuming you are a first-time undergraduate student attending full time. You and your family would be responsible for paying remaining costs not covered by grants with student and/or parent loans, savings, etc.

  • Important Note: Using this online calculator is not an application for, nor an offer of, financial aid.

Net pric is the approximate cost you and your family should expect to pay from your own funds.


Before you complete the FAFSA form, the Federal Student Aid Estimator can help you understand your options to pay for college or career school by providing an early estimate of your Expected Family Contribution (EFC) and eligibility for federal student aid.