How FWS Funds are Allocated
Learn about how the U.S. Department of Education authorizes funding; how to monitor division and departmental allocation; Office of Financial Aid and Scholarship support; maximizing or exceeding division allocation limits; request for an allocation increase; and consequences of unused funds.
The U.S. Department of Education authorizes funding for SDSU's FWS Program each fiscal year.
- After SDSU is notified of its federal authorization amount, the Office of Budget and Finance makes initial allocation recommendations to the Resource Management Advisory Committee (RMAC), usually in late summer.
The RMAC reviews the proposed allocations, makes needed changes, and releases approved allocation amounts in mid to late October. The Office of Budget and Finance then notifies the university divisions (e.g., Academic Affairs, Business Affairs, Student Affairs) of their fiscal year FWS allocation and matching share requirement for earnings.
Monitoring division and departmental allocation
The division allocation is the maximum amount that may be earned by all students employed by the division during the fiscal year (July 1-June 30). This amount includes the 30% match which the departments contribute toward each student’s earnings.
To monitor FWS earnings, access the TL Allocation Report from PeopleSoft to see student allocations, hourly rate, hours worked, gross earnings, remaining balances and more.
Contact the Center for Human Resources to obtain the Business Process Guide on how to run the report from PeopleSoft.
Maximizing or exceeding division allocation limits
Once the division allocation is expended, all FWS employees must either stop working or be switched to student assistant employment.
All submitted earnings that exceed the division allocation will be charged to the division at 100%.
Request for an allocation increase
The department or division may ask for an increase in their FWS allocation, if necessary. The procedure for requesting additional FWS funds is as follows:
- The department supervisor should contact the division coordinator to request additional funds.
- The division coordinator should attempt to reallocate funds from within the division.
- If all divisional funds are utilized, the division coordinator should make a written or email request to the director of Budget and Finance in the Division of Business and Financial Affairs for additional funds.
- If the increase is approved, the division coordinator will receive a written memo confirming the transfer of funds.
Consequences of unused FWS funds
All funds not utilized by the end of the fiscal year will be returned to the FWS Program. Underutilization of the division allocation may result in reduced FWS allocations for subsequent years.