How to successfully complete the THANK YOU NOTE process
- Scholarship recipients must submit a thank you note for each scholarship awarded by
San Diego State University.
- Scholarship recipients also have the option of uploading a photo of themselves (workplace
appropriate) to be shared with their scholarship donors.
- Thank you notes and photos are submitted electronically in the Aztec Scholarships
portal. Faxed and emailed submissions will not be accepted.
- Thank you notes must be submitted within 14 calendar days of official award notification.
- Deadlines are strictly enforced, so no late submissions will be accepted.
- If the thank you note is not received by the deadline, the scholarship award will
be rescinded and awarded to an alternate.
Why Thank You Notes are Collected
Aztec Scholarships are made possible by contributions from generous donors who are
making an investment in your education because they believe in your ability to succeed.
Scholarships are philanthropic gifts from donors, and the thank you note is an opportunity
for you to show your donor you are the kind of student they can be proud to support.
Hearing from scholarship recipients is very meaningful to donors or their living relatives.
It gives them an opportunity to obtain a glimpse of how their gift has made a difference
in the life of a student. Your words also encourage the donor to continue supporting
other students like you.
Thank You Note Tips
Writing a thank you note is quick and easy — just follow these three simple steps:
1. Address the donor directly, when possible.
- From the "My Applications" page of Aztec Scholarships, click the name of the scholarship
to view available donor details.
2. Convey your gratitude to the donor for current and past support, if applicable.
- From the "My Applications" page of Aztec Scholarships, click the "Related" link beneath
the scholarship name to view award history.
3. Express how the scholarship will impact you in your educational journey.
Grammar and Spelling
- Pay careful attention to the grammar, spelling, and organization of your note.
- Use the spell-checking function in your word processing software. Use a good grammar
and style reference to eliminate any problems you may have with sentence and paragraph
- Set your work aside for a while, then read the note again, aloud this time. And finally,
have someone else proofread it to identify any errors you may have missed.
Sample Thank You Notes
It is an honor to have been both selected for and awarded [this scholarship]. This
acknowledgment of academic achievement comes at a crucial time in my educational journey.
I am entering my senior year in the Fowler College of Business and am currently studying
for my LSAT and applying for admissions for the Fall 2023 cycle. Your investment in
my education will have a profound impact on my future career and provide the necessary
training. Not only am I proud to be an Aztec, but I am proud to be an Aztec awarded
[with this scholarship].
First and foremost, thank you for donating to SDSU students. Your donations have helped
me and numerous other students worry a bit less about student debt and enjoy our university
experience. I hope I can do the same for someone in the future. Being an international
student, I felt like coming to SDSU would be a bit hard since I did not know anyone.
However, from the day I arrived, SDSU faculty, staff, and other grad students like
me have always welcomed and helped me every step of the way. All SDSU resources (food
pantry, mental health initiatives, ECRT) make me feel like I am cared for and at home.
I have really enjoyed my first year and am excited for one more year to go. Go Aztecs!
To be selected as a recipient of this scholarship brings me pride and joy. Having
received this scholarship last year, I understand that this scholarship is truly a
blessing in helping me pay for school. Last year’s scholarship permitted me to work
fewer hours at my hospital job in order to keep up with nursing academia. I can assure
you that your charitable donation will be used to fuel my educational achievements
and that the scholarship award will make me a better nurse. With your financial support,
this year I was able to achieve a GPA of 4.0 after taking some of the nursing program’s
most difficult classes. Again, I cannot thank you enough for offering me this scholarship,
as it has made a huge impact on my life.
My educational journey has been a challenging, motivating, and empowering experience
for which I am highly grateful. I thank you for this award and opportunity to continue
my growth, fuel my aspirations, maintain focus, and strive to create something of
value in this world. This scholarship contributes greatly to the financial resources
and security necessary for me to sustainably continue this journey. Thank you for
both investing in and betting on me. I promise to make this count, and I yearn to
carry it forward.
Thank you so much for this generous award. I am grateful and honored to have been
chosen to receive this scholarship. As a first-generation college student from a small
town, my academic goals could not be reached without your support. I am looking forward
to being the first person in my family to have earned a master’s degree by the end
of this upcoming academic year. I have been able to pursue my passion for science
in ways that I never imagined possible at San Diego State University. As a senior
member of my lab, I will be sharing all of my knowledge and experience with the undergraduate
students I mentor. I will have more time to work closely with them and help them pursue
their academic and scientific goals. Thank you again for your support and generosity.