When Funds Are Available and How You Will Know
When are funds available to you? Beginning the week before classes start each semester, the University Bursar starts applying financial aid to pay university charges and Direct Depositing remaining funds to you.
- If you are not enrolled in enough units to receive all of your award, disbursement continues as you add units to receive more of your award.
- Award amounts may be reduced or canceled if you are not enrolled full time or do not meet requirements.
Note that your university costs may increase because of out-of-state tuition, class fees, or special program costs that are added after all aid has been disbursed.
How you will know when funds are available to you
The University Bursar will send you an email when they:
- Release funds to pay your university charges, and / or
- Deposit funds to your designated bank account
After receiving this email, log in to your my.SDSU account to view:
- How and when funds were applied toward your university charges
- Financial aid and scholarships disbursed to you (indicated as a “Refund” for funds deposited to your designated bank account)
- All university charges and payments to your account
Parent Plus, Study Abroad, and CSU Visitor Program:
Parent PLUS Loan borrowers
- The University Bursar will begin releasing funds the first week of class if:
- You have met all of the conditions to receive funds
- Your parent borrower received approval for the loan and signed an electronic master promissory note
- Parent PLUS Loans are mailed to the parent borrower after all university charges have been paid for the semester. The parent borrower has the option to authorize excess loan funds be deposited to the student's bank account.
Study abroad participants
- The University Bursar will deposit funds to your bank account once they receive confirmation from your foreign, host campus that you have arrived and started attending classes.
CSU Visitor Program participants
- The University Bursar will mail a check to the program coordinator at the CSU campus you are attending.
How Your Award is Disbursed
Your financial aid award is disbursed:
- First to help pay basic tuition and fees
- Then to help pay out-of-state tuition, if not a California resident
- Then to help pay on-campus housing and meal plan charges
- Remaining funds, if any, are deposited to your designated bank account