
Types of Interview Schedules

There are 3 different types of on-campus interview (OCI) schedules:

  1. Open: Allows any student who meets the minimum criteria you indicate on your job position to sign up for an interview time slot with you on your on-campus recruiting date.

    This type of OCI schedule requires a 4-week lead time.

  2. Preselect to Alternate: This option allows you to manage your applicants in Handshake. Any student who meets your minimum criteria can apply for the position and submit a resumé.  

    When the resumé submission period is over, you have time to select and invite those students you plan to interview.

    Students sign up for a time slot to interview with you during your on-campus recruiting date. Primaries are allowed to sign-up before alternates.

    This type of OCI schedule requires a 4-week lead time.

  3. Room Reservation Only: Allows you to reserve an interview room at Career Services.

    As recruiter, you do the scheduling and contacting of students.

    All students must be registered with Handshake before interviewing. Interviews must be conducted during Career Services business hours of 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.