
Menu of Services

Career Services offers a variety of services that are designed to help students and alumni explore industries and jobs, gain work experience, prepare for employment, and navigate their career.

Handshake (Virtual)
Browse employers and apply for jobs, internships, fellowships and more! Through Handshake, you can also register for career fairs, career development workshops, and employer connection events.

Monthly Newsletter (Virtual)
Students are automatically subscribed to the Career Services Monthly Newsletter, which is sent at the beginning of the month and has tons of great information about jobs, industries, events, etc.

Career Development Resources (In person and virtual)

Career Readiness Certificate (In person and virtual)

1:1 Career Coaching (In person and virtual)
Receive coaching from one of our Career Management Leads or Industry Consultants. Visit the Appointments page in Handshake to schedule your appointment.

Assessments (In person and virtual)
We offer career assessments that you can use in all stages of your career development, from choosing a major, occupations and graduate programs to changing careers. 

Mentoring/Aztec Mentor Program (In person and virtual)
This program is designed for all students to connect with SDSU affiliated mentors. As a SDSU community member, students have access to Aztec Network, a network platform for students and mentors to connect and share knowledge. This program allows students the opportunity to build their professional network and exchange career advice.on

WorkAbility IV (In person and virtual)
WorkAbility IV promotes access and offers enhanced career services that empower participants to choose, plan, and prepare for a career;
meet academic and career requirements; and secure and retain employment.

Mock Interviews (In person and virtual)
Schedule an appointment with a Career Management Lead or utillize Big Interview, a free online mock interview tool, to practice your interviewing skills.

Coming soon: CalWorks (In person and virtual)

Coming soon: Headshots (In person)

Coming soon: SD Workforce Partnership (In person and virtual)

Coming soon: Staffing Services (In person)

Workshops/Webinars (In person and virtual)
Career Services offers many workshops designed to help you explore potential career paths, enhance your skills, and prepare you for success in your job search and career development process. You can register for these events in Handshake.

Employer Connection Events (In person and virtual)
Career Services hosts multiple employer connection events throughout the academic year, including professional networking events and boutique career fairs. You can browse and register for these events in Handshake.

Coming soon: Career Development Courses

Coming soon: Career Fair Tours (In person)

Coming soon: Career Academy

Web Platforms (Virtual)

Conferences (In Person)

Employer Connection Events (In person and virtual)
Career Services hosts multiple employer connection events throughout the academic year, including professional networking events, career fairs, and employer information sessions. You can browse and register for these events in Handshake.

Career Services Orientation (In person and virtual)

Coming soon: Online Career Community (Virtual)