
Compact for Success

Program Overview

The Compact for Success, established in 2000 is an agreement between SDSU and the Sweetwater Union High School District (SUHSD) that guarantees admission to SUHSD students (up to the class of 2030), who meet the Compact for Success admissions requirements. The Office of Educational Opportunity Programs, Outreach and Success (EOPOS) collaborates with school and district personnel to provide outreach and education to students and parents in the district through mentoring, workshops, assemblies, and campus visits. Our department employs work-study students (College Outreach Assistants) who serve as mentors and role models to middle and high school students in the SUHSD.

Compact for Success Students

Program Requirements

The strength of the Compact for Success Program lies in rigorous college prep courses (A-G curriculum) available to all students. After completing all Compact for Success requirements, students are guaranteed admission to SDSU.

The Compact guarantee of admission is only for students entering SDSU as a first-year student (graduating from high school).

Transfer students are able to receive guaranteed admission to SDSU through a seperate program: The Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) pathway or the Transfer Success Pathway when transferring to SDSU from a local community college and applying to an eligible major. 

*Guaranteed admission is not available for majors in: Nursing, Music, Dance and Theatre: Performance

  • Maintain continuous enrollment in the Sweetwater Union High School District Schools from 9th-12th grade and graduate from a SUHSD high school

  • Demonstrate "compact readiness" in English

  • Demonstrate "compact readiness" in Math

  • Complete the A-G requirements with grades of C or higher by the end of senior year

    • No D's or F's during senior year
  • Meet the CSU GPA below at the time of application and maintain through the 12th grade

    • Class of 2024 - 2026: 3.30
    • Class of 2027: 3.40
    • Class of 2028 - 2030: 3.50
  • Meet all SDSU admissions/enrollment deadlines, including first year application to SDSU.

Demonstrate Compact Readiness in English (only one required)

  • SAT - score of 550 or higher
  • ACT - score of 22 or higher
  • Advanced Placement Exam - a score of 3 or higher on either the Language and Composition or Literature and Composition exam
  • A college level (100 level or higher) English composition course - completed with a grade of “C” or higher
  • Earn a B grade or higher in the following courses during BOTH semesters of their senior year: AP English Language and Composition, AP English Literature and Composition, English IB HL1, English IB HL2, CSU Expository Reading and Writing
  • CAASPP/EAP, students who receive “standards exceeded” or “standards met” and show enrollment and successful completion of an approved senior year course and earn a “C” grade or better will meet the readiness requirement

Demonstrate Compact Readiness in Math (only one required)

  • SAT - score of 570 or higher
  • ACT - score of 23 or higher
  • Advanced Placement Exam - a score of 3 or higher on the AP Calculus (AB or BC) or AP Statistics exam
  • International Baccalaureate - score of 4 or higher
  • College Board Math subjects test - score of 570 or higher
  • Level 1 or 2 college level Math course (Intermediate algebra level or higher, defined a 100 or higher) - completed with a grade of “C” or higher
  • Earn a B grade or higher in the following courses during BOTH semesters of their senior year: AP statistics, AP Calculus, Discrete Math, Pre-Calculus, Calculus Concepts, Math Analysis, Mathematical Studies IB or any course in Area “C” with designation as “Advanced Level Mathematics” course
  • CAASPP/EAP, students who receive “standards exceeded” or “standards met” and show enrollment and successful completion of an approved senior year course and earn a “C” grade or better will meet the readiness requirement

Beginning with class of 2026 to 2030, students applying for entry to any of the following majors must enroll in one of the four designated mathematics courses in their senior year (AP Calculus, Pre-Calculus, Mathematics Analysis Approaches IB, Mathematics Approximation and Interpretation IB, and AP Computer Science) even if using a different benchmark to demonstrate compact readiness in math.

  • Astronomy
  • Biology
  • Biochemistry
  • Chemistry
  • Computer Science
  • Engineering (all majors)
  • Environmental Sciences
  • Geological Sciences
  • Mathematics
  • Microbiology
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Physics

Compact for Success flyer
Compact for Success GPA requirements

Outreach Requests

Would you like to connect with us? Please fill out this form to make the request!

Questions, Comments, Concerns? Contact Us!
EOP, Outreach and Success:  [email protected] 
SDSU Admissions: [email protected], Contact Admissions Here
Sweetwater Union High School District: 619-796-7700