Summer Bridge Frequently Asked Questions
Summer Bridge 2025
How to apply/financial aid:
Q- When is the deadline to apply?
A- The deadline to apply is May 4, 2025, at 11:59 pm. The application will remain open after the May 4th deadline, and applications
received after the deadline will be reviewed on a rolling basis.
Q- What are the starting and ending dates of the program?
A- The 2025 EOP BEST Summer Bridge Program will run from Sunday, July 6th, through Friday, August 8th.
Students will move into the residence halls on July 6th at their assigned time (to be determined by staff and notified before move-in day). The first day of the program will be a “Welcome Day” on July 7th, where students will receive an academic preparation workshop, meet their mentors, counselors, and tutors, learn how to access their classes, and receive a campus tour.
The first day of classes will be on Tuesday, July 8th.
Q- How and when will I be notified if accepted/denied to Summer Bridge?
A- We are reviewing applications on a rolling basis; therefore, the earlier you apply
to the program, the sooner you will get a response. However, all applicants will be
notified of their status (accepted, waitlisted, denied) by the first week of June
Q- How much does the program cost?
A- There is no cost for the program. Submitting an additional financial aid application (FAFSA or Dream
Act) for the school year 2024-2025 is required to receive summer financial aid to
cover the cost of your courses. Submitting an additional financial aid application
for the 2024-2025 academic school year will not affect your financial aid for the
Fall semester.
Q- What classes will the student take?
A- Students are placed in General Education courses based on the academic needs of
their chosen major. All courses will go towards your graduation requirements.
Q- How many units will the student earn?
A- Students may earn up to 7 academic units, 2 - 3 unit General Education courses,
and a 1 unit Leadership seminar.
Q- What about my books for my summer classes?
A- EOP, Outreach, and Success will cover any books needed for your Summer Bridge classes.
Q- Can I participate in LSAMP and Summer Bridge?
A- Yes, it is possible to complete both programs. If doing both, you will still have
to apply to each program separately. If you get accepted into LSAMP, you will be enrolled
in their classes from M- F from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm and will still be required to
attend the Summer Bridge Seminar on Mondays and Wednesdays from 1:00 pm-1:50 pm and
participate in other Summer Bridge activities.
For questions on LSAMP reach out to [email protected].
Living On-Campus:
Q- Will I have to live on campus?
A- Yes. The EOP Summer Bridge Program is a residential, academic preparation program
that will require students to live on campus for the duration of the 5-week program.
Q- Can I leave campus at any time?
A- No. Summer Bridge is a five-week, full-time commitment. There is a predetermined
“Getaway Weekend”, where students will have the option to check out on a Friday evening
and return to campus by Sunday evening. Specific dates will be communicated to students
who are selected to participate in the program.
Note: The EOP Summer Bridge staff is not responsible for arranging transportation for students during the getaway weekend.
Q- Will I have a roommate? Can I pick who my roommate is?
A- Rooms will be pre-assigned by the Summer Bridge staff into double and triple rooms.
We take into account students’ majors and other information stated in the application
to determine roommates for the program.
Each room will have three beds, three dressers, three desks and chairs, and a shared microwave and mini fridge. It is encouraged that you pack lightly with only the essentials.
You can review our suggested packing list here.
Q- Will food/meals be provided?
A- Every Summer Bridge participant will have a daily balance provided by the program
which will cover their breakfast and lunch and is valid for many food facilities on
campus. Dinner will also be provided for students.
For more information on food on campus, click here.
Q- What does a typical day look like?
A- Summer Bridge has many components, which include:
Classes (two each day)
Tutoring (one session after each class period)
Lunch time
Town Hall (one each week)
Seminar course (twice each week)
Mentor Check-Ins and Meetings
Study Halls
Program bonding activities
*Note: Students will be provided with a calendar at the beginning of the program*
Q- Can I work during Summer Bridge?
A- No. It is important to keep in mind that Summer Bridge is a full-time, residential/overnight
commitment. In the past, we have had students take a leave of absence from work or
leave their jobs altogether to participate in the program.
Q- Are laptops required?
A- It is recommended that you bring a computer or laptop with you for any class assignments
and participation.
The EOP Summer Bridge Program has a limited number of laptops that can be lent to students for the duration of the program. These laptops will be assigned to students on a first-come, first-served basis based on the order in which your application is received. If our laptop inventory runs out, we partner with the SDSU Library to ensure students have the necessary access to technology throughout the program.
If you need assistance with access to technology, make sure to indicate in the EOP Summer Bridge application. For any questions, please reach out to [email protected].