
Career Resource Room

The Career Resource Room includes a large collection of career-specific books, videos, job/internship listings, career salary surveys, and other occupational and employer information.

Resources include:

  • Local, national, and international job and internship listings
  • Career- and industry-specific periodicals
  • Local and national employer brochures and promotional DVDs
  • Over a dozen public computer workstations for career-related activity
  • Graduate school information and test prep resources


Come visit our comprehensive library of print and electronic resources to support students in their professional development.

Did you know?

Currently enrolled students are eligible to access everything Career Services has to offer — including the Career Resource Room — free of charge.

Land a job

Here's an article about using your campus career center to land a job! It's targeted at computer science and engineering majors — but could apply to anyone. Tips include "go early, go often" and "know your niche" as well as "use online resources."

Read full text of article (GRADUATINGENGINEER.COM).