
Community Service Opportunities & Reporting

Looking for opportunities to serve the community?

Check this page often for updates about community service events on-campus and in the local community.

SDSU exceeded it's Community Service Hour goal for 2024-2025 academic year! Thank you to everyone who contributes to our community.

72,718 Service Hour Goal was met! Thank you to our SDSU students for serving our community.

Report Your Service Hours!

The Glazer Center for Leadership & Service oversees the university's central community reporting system for San Diego State University. Students should report all volunteer hours through our online Community Service Reporting Form. Find out if your activity qualifies as community service!

Click Here to Report Your Community Service Hours!


Get Rewarded for Your Service!

SDSU students who report 50 or 100 community service hours to the online form over their time at SDSU will be awarded at the Glazer Center for Leadership & Service's End of Year Celebration each April. Help us reach our goal of 66,000 community service hours for the 2023-2024 academic year. We are already making great progress towards our goal. Keep up the great work Aztecs and REPORT YOUR HOURS!

50 Community Service Hours: Students will receive a 50 community service hour certificate.

50 Community Service Hours Certificate

100 Community Service Hours: Students will receive a 100 community service hour certificate, 100 service hours lapel pin, & a digital badge.

100 Community Service Hours Lapel Pin

Community service and volunteering is an important part of your personal and professional development. According to a survey by TimeBank, 73% of employers stated that they are more likely to hire a candidate with volunteer experience than someone who has none!



On-Campus Service Opportunities & Resources

  • SDSU Student Organizations
    Many student organizations are created solely for the purpose of community service. With 300+ different groups to choose, you are bound to find something related to your interests. Making friends while serving the community has never been easier!
  • Aztec Career Connection
    Long-term service opportunities by local businesses and organizations are often posted on the SDSU Career Service Website Aztec Career Connections. Under the job postings tab, search position type: Volunteer.
  • Associated Students (AS) Programs
    • AS Community Service Commission: The purpose of this Commission will be to organize and facilitate student volunteer community service on behalf of the Associated Students that all SDSU students, faculty and staff can participate in. The Commission will facilitate the planning, production and marketing of selected events each year.
    • AS Food Panty Volunteer: Volunteer to help run the AS Food Pantry. 
    • AS Good Neighbor Clean Up: The purpose of this program is to increase awareness among SDSU students of the relationship between student behavior and the quality of life on campus and in the neighborhoods surrounding the SDSU campus. Interested in doing a clean-up right next to campus? Contact the AS Campus Community Commission to learn more.

Off-Campus Service Opportunities

The non-profit community organizations listed below offer volunteer opportunities throughout the year. Please note that the links provided take you to the community organization’s respective website that is not affiliated with SDSU. We are not endorsing these websites, the community organization they represent, or any views expressed within, but simply provide the links as a courtesy for students interested in finding community service and volunteer work.

If you would like to identify your non profit community organization as offering community service/volunteering opportunities, please e-mail the organization’s name, website address, contact information, and a description of your organization (including mission and populations served) to [email protected]. All requests are subject to review and approval prior to posting.