
The Fall 2024 RSO application cycle is

May 1st-September 1st  




ALL Presidents and Treasurers must complete the RSO3. This is a one and done training, if you have completed it in the past your DO NOT need to do so again. If you are unsure, please email your Student Life Advisor to check.

RSO Officer Obligations Training (RSO3) dates. 

The AS Banking Training is required only for organizations that use ON CAMPUS BANKING. (If that applies) The RSO Treasurer must complete this training in order to become recognized for the 2024-2025 academic year. This training is required ever year regardless of previous completions

AS Banking Training dates ("On-campus banking" Treasurers only). Registration not required but encouraged. REGISTER HERE:

ALL Presidents and Treasurers must complete the ILAT. This is a one and done training, if you have completed it in the past your DO NOT need to do so again. If you are unsure, please email your Student Life Advisor to check.

Inclusive Leadership Awareness Training (ILAT) dates 


RSO drop-in hours are Wednesdays and Thursdays from 1-2 on Zoom. Join here:

Start or Renew an Organization!

Recognized Student Organization (RSO) Application

New and continuing student organizations must be recognized on an annual basis per California State University Executive Order 1068.

The RSO application for the 2024 - 2025 academic year is open as of May 1, 2024.   

Please note that there are two recognition seasons when the RSO Application is open, fall and spring. During the recognition seasons is when staff will be actively reviewing RSO Applications.

  • Fall 2024: May 1st -September 1st
    • Student organizations that are granted "conditional recognition" will lose their status if pending items are not completed by September 1st. 
  • Spring 2025: December 1st - February 1st

How to Complete the Annual RSO Application

Steps to become a Recognized Student Organization

  2. The RSO Application must have the names, RedIDs, and emails of at least five eligible student officers and one faculty/staff advisor.
  3. The organization's bylaws must be uploaded to the RSO Application with all California State University standards. Please see our Bylaw Checklist and Template for reference.
  4. The organization must have a membership roster uploaded to their application in order to be recognized. On the application under "Documents" select "View Documents," ​the select "Document Type" ​and upload under "Roster." Upload a Google/Excel sheet and save.​ ​
  5. The organization must complete the A.S. Banking and Finance section of the RSO Application. If the organization chooses to use on-campus banking, they must submit the Student Organization Account Application & Agreement form. Learn more about student organization banking and finance here
    We are accepting electronic signatures on applications for 2024-25 academic year. Contact AS Banking at ([email protected]) if you have questions.
  6. New presidents and treasurers must complete the RSO Officer Obligations Training (RSO3) and Inclusive Leadership Awareness Training (ILAT). RSO's that use, or plan to use, a Student Organization banking account must complete a banking training. All treasurers whose organizations bank on campus must complete the banking training in order to fulfill this requirement. 
  7. The advisor listed on the RSO Application must confirm their role and complete the Advisor Orientation.
  8. The organization will receive an email confirming their recognition once all items have been completed.


The RSO application can take two to four weeks to process once all requirements are complete. RSO applications are reviewed in the order they are received.


Benefits of Being a Recognized Student Organization

  • Use of SDSU's name, logo and symbols in conformity with campus policies.
  • Meeting on campus, reserving space with Union Programs & Services and university facilities.
  • Applying for and receiving office or desk space in The Center for Student Organizations & Activities, subject to space availability.
  • Scheduling and publicizing activities and events as approved by The Center for Student Organizations & Activities.
  • Participating in Student Life and University events.
  • Use of Presence for marketing, communication, tracking and assessment of the organization and organization related activities.
  • Gratis publicity via The Daily Aztec and Associated Students communications when available.
  • Posting of signs in reserved areas (in accordance with the Buildings and Grounds Code).
  • Maintaining an organization mailbox in the office of The Center for Student Organizations & Activities (email [email protected] for information).
  • Applying for Student Organization Donation Bin placement in The Center for Student Organizations & Activities (email [email protected] for information).
  • Applying for and receiving funding of programs from various campus departments, subject to availability requirements.
  • Belonging to and receiving funds from the A.S. College Councils, as appropriate.
  • Receiving tax-exempt charitable donations through provision administered by Associated Students.
  • Certifying campus recognition for national or statewide affiliated organizations.

For more information on the purpose of the recognition process and student organization policies and procedures, please review the  Recognized Student Organization Handbook

Contact The Center for Student Organizations & Activities at 619-594-5221 if you have any questions!


photo: student org group with fraternity members

photo: kappa delta sorority members

 photo of student org booth
 student org photo of Afrikan Studies group