
Diversity and Inclusion Planning - Colleges/Divisions, 2019-2020

Archived materials from the planning process for colleges and divisions that culminated in submissions in Fall 2020 have been moved to the OFSD Sharepoint site.

A University Senate resolution approved on Feb. 6, 2018, requires all units to engage in diversity planning. It stated:

“LET IT BE RESOLVED, that San Diego State University creates a campus-wide diversity plan and that all academic and administrative units/divisions also create individual diversity plans that are congruent with the University plan. The University shall provide training and support for developing these plans. This requirement shall be in place by the year 2020.”

After receiving the resolution, President Roush supported the implementation of the resolution and further provided that all units have diversity plans by fall 2020. Any units without an approved plan will not be able to hire beginning Jan. 1, 2021, until the criteria are satisfied. The Diversity and Inclusion Plans are meant to be expansive in nature; according to the resolution language, “all academic and administrative units/divisions” are required to have a plan on file. Beyond the wider university plan for equity, diversity, and inclusion, this includes all 54 academic departments and schools, eight colleges, Library, Imperial Valley Campus, Mission Valley Campus, all divisions (Academic Affairs, Business and Financial Affairs, Graduate and Research Affairs, Information Technology, Student Affairs, University Relations and Development), and campus auxiliaries. However, to ensure vertical alignment between the College Diversity Plans and the Department/School Diversity Plans, in September 2019, DDI recommended to the University Senate that the deadline for the Department/School Plans be moved to March of 2021; that recommendation was approved at the October 1 Senate meeting.