In the Spring of 2014, a new mandatory Student Success Fee (SSF) was approved, effective Fall 2014. A portion of the fee (10%) is dedicated to enhancing student success through expanded Academic Related Programs. The remaining portion of the fee (90%) is used to increase the number of tenure-track faculty lines and course sections.
Academic Related Programs (ARPs) are defined as those activities and programs which extend the formal learning experience in a course or academic program. They provide an opportunity for students to become engaged and involved in their education outside of their academic courses to enrich their overall educational experience. ARPs involve a faculty, staff, or campus administrator in a support role to the students working on specific projects. Examples of ARPs include but are not limited to student colloquia, lecture series, seminars, student projects, student competitions, student forums, student exhibitions, student productions, student performances, and participation at professional conferences.
Information about the campus fee process is available on the Campus Fee Advisory Committee page.
Application Closes
Award Annoucements
Mandatory Budget Workshops Begin
Final Report Due
Student Success Fee Workshop
Student Union - Metztli (2nd floor)
Student Success Fee Workshop
Student Union - Glazer Center (2nd floor)
Student Success Fee Workshop
Student Union - Mata'yumm (2nd floor)
Student Success Fee Workshop
Student Union - Aztlan (2nd floor)
Student Success Fee Workshop
Student Union - Metzil (2nd floor)
Student Success Fee Workshop
Student Union - Templo Mayor (2nd floor)
Student Success Fee Workshop
Student Union - Glazer Center (210)
Student Success Fee Workshop
Student Union - Glazer Center (210)
Student Success Fee Workshop
Student Union - Aztlan (2nd floor)