
Latinx Resource Center 

¡Greetings y saludos a toda nuestra gente! As we start this new academic year, we reflect on the LRC's journey over the last two years. We sure have come a long way since our founding organizations Central Americans for Empowerment (CAFE), Movimiento Estudiantil Chicanx de Aztlan (M.E.Ch.A.), Education Without Borders (E.W.B.), and Association of Chicana Activists (A.Ch.A.) advocated for this resource center.

If you have visited the LRC recently, you have probably been amazed by the beautiful murals and awesome space we have for you. Here, we have weekly programming as well as special events that you don't want to miss! It is also a space for you to study, meet new peers, store and heat up your food, rest and build community. So if you have not come by, we invite you to visit us soon! There will be many ways to engage with your comunidad during Latinx Heritage Month (Sept. 15 - Oct. 15). This is a time to come together and celebrate the Latinx accomplishments, resilience, radical joy, and beloved community we have here at SDSU.

For Latinx Heritage Month 2022, we present the theme: Autonomy Without Borders / Autonomía Sin Fronteras. Our goal is to highlight the strength and resistance of our communities to human-made barriers such as laws governing bodies, access to basic human rights, the ongoing over extraction of resources affecting the globe and specifically land that resides in indigenous communities, and so forth. In alignment with our mission and vision, we are called to highlight social issues that affect our communities across the nation and the diaspora.

We want to take a moment to thank everyone that has contributed to the creation of our new home. It is thanks to those who advocated for this space, those who listened, and those who helped start developing the foundation of our center that have been crucial to us opening our doors to students this semester. Thank you to our muralists: Alicia Siu, Ariana Arroyo, Hector Villegas, and XoQUE Art in Motion: Ana Herrera, Berenice Badillo, Jennifer Clay, Sandra Carmona, Selina Lugo whose time and talent is much appreciated as they continue to work on finishing the murals that give our space that touch of feeling at home. We are excited to see how the LRC continues to develop and grow and look forward to welcoming you all to nuestra casa!

All students, regardless of race, sex, color, ethnicity or national origin, who are interested in the LRC are welcome. Learn more by reading SDSU's Affirming Equal Opportunity statement.

Con amor,
The Latinx Resource Center Staff