
¡Saludos y bienvenidxs a nuestra casa!

The Latinx Resource Center (LRC) exists because of the dedication and advocacy of student organizations—Central Americans for Empowerment (CAFE), Movimiento Estudiantil Chicanx de Aztlán (M.E.Ch.A.), Education Without Borders (E.W.B.), and Association of Chicana Activists (A.Ch.A.). Their vision created this space by students, for students—a home away from home where we can come together, uplift one another, and continue shaping our collective future.

At the LRC, you’ll find more than just a place to study or rest. This is a space to build community, be inspired, and co-create new opportunities for leadership and advancement. Whether you're looking to connect with peers, explore your identity, engage in critical conversations, or develop skills that empower you beyond SDSU, this is the place to do it. We offer year-round programming, events, and initiatives that celebrate our cultura, resilience, and shared histories, while also providing resources to support your academic and personal growth.

If you haven’t visited yet, we invite you to stop by and make this space your own. Nuestra casa es su casa, and together, we continue to build a thriving, inclusive comunidad.

Con amor,

The Latinx Resource Center Staff