HSI campus advisory committee
Overall Committee Charge: To provide ongoing assistance, counsel, support, toward the creation and implementation of the HSI endeavor.
The Pillars of the SDSU Commitment to being an HSI are structured at the HSI Advisory subcommittee level. Membership in the HSI Advisory requires participation in at least one subcommittee, however HSI advisory membership is not required for subcommittee members.
(note: the subcommittee structure, while facilitating intentional focus on important pillars, recognizes and allows for overlap in the work of each subcommittee. It is the responsibility of the ACDO for HSI and Regional Affairs and the HSI Campus Advisory Committee to align the work of the subcommittees to serve the overall mission. Also, membership on the sub-committees is open to people who are not on the Advisory Board).
- Latinx/Chicanx/Hispanic Representation, Recruitment, and Retention
- HSI Student Success, Academic and Liberatory Outcomes
- HSI Experiences @SDSU (experiences of HSI Students, Faculty, and Staff)
- HSI Research, Granting, and Extramural Funding Activities
- HSI Student Advisory Board
- Community and Transborder Relations and Initiatives
- Education and Scholarship on HSI’s
For detailed information, charges, rosters, and meeting schedules click here.
Click here to see the 2022 HSI Advisory Committee Recommendations
THE SDSU HSI Affairs Student Advisory Board (HSI SAB)
Charge: to provide collective student voice to the HSI Advisory efforts.
The role of the HSI Affairs Student Advisory Board: The HSI Affairs Student Advisory Board is a forum for the consideration, assessment and sharing of the quality of the student experience as it relates to SDSU’s status as a Hispanic Serving Institution. This includes the student perspective on the implementation of policies and procedures, curriculum, climate, scholarship, representation, student success, and awareness of SDSU’s status as a Hispanic Serving Institution. Activities can include sharing student experiences, posing questions for considerations, making suggestions for change, and generally working with the committee and chair to advance the HSI mission from a student perspective.
Membership of the HSI SAB
Membership of the HSI Affairs Student Advisory Committee is composed of SDSU students who identify as Latinx/Chicanx/Hispanic and/or have a strong commitment to these communities, and who are currently matriculated and in good standing. Efforts to have representation from across the academic colleges, undergraduate and graduate populations, and relevant student organizations will be ensured.
The Student Advisory Board shall normally consist of a minimum of five (5) members with a maximum number of 25 currently enrolled students.
The role of a Student Member of the HSI SAB
The role and function of a Student Member is to liaise with the student body to accurately and objectively represent students’ suggestions, ideas, information and concerns to the HSI Affairs Student Advisory Board. Student Members are expected to commit to serve for one academic year.
Student members are expected to attend all general body meetings (meetings will be held twice a month during the academic year. Each meeting should last no longer than one hour in duration). In addition, two Student Members will be asked to attend meetings of the larger HSI Advisory Committee, which meets four times per year.
Benefits: Student members will have access to mentoring from HSI faculty and staff; Student members will have access to special opportunities for research, internships, and other high impact practices; Student members will have opportunities for social events and RSO related benefits.
Active (those who attend meetings and events) members will receive an HSI SAB polo, a graduation cord (upon graduation),
The Student Members have the responsibility to students to: Actively collect, and/or be available to listen to student views and concerns, and accurately represent them in an objective and accurate manner; Provide accurate feedback to the student body on the proceedings of the HSI Student Advisory Board as well as the larger HSI Advisory Committee
The Student Members have the responsibility to the HSI Affairs Student Advisory Board to: actively participate in conversations during the HSI Student Advisory Board meetings; Agree to engage is work on projects or initiatives that necessarily needs to happen outside of meetings (if relevant, appropriate, and/or warranted); accurately and objectively present the views and concerns of the student body
The Student Members who serve as Representatives to the HSI Advisory committee have
the responsibility to: provide thorough and accurate information to the HSI Student
Advisory Board from the proceedings of the HSI Advisory Committee; provide thorough
and accurate information to the HSI Advisory Committee from the proceedings of the
HSI Student Advisory Board.
Link to the 2022 HSI Advisory Committee Recommendations