
Student Engagement

The CIE also offers student engagement opportunities that provide: 

  • Student facing foundational inclusion trainings such as Implicit Bias & Microaggression Awareness that echo CIE and Professor of Equity curriculum and creates a shared campus understanding of inclusivity
  • A year long foundational social justice Credly Badge program called: Identity & Allyship Awareness Badge (IAAB)
  • Partnerships with campus organizations and departments that integrate and center equity in both curricular and co-curricular events
  • Consultation on ally trainings, USEMs, and student facilitation development
  • Relationship building, support, and training for student organizations

For more information about specific programs and partnerships, please explore the drop downs below or email the contact information below.

jchang headshot

Jessica Chang

Diversity Officer for Student Engagement


identity&allyship certificate

2021-2022 Identity & Allyship Awareness Certificate graduates in partnership with Residential Education Office (as of Summer 2024, now named the Identity & Allyship Awareness Badge (IAAB) Program)

Our 2021-2022 CIE student & staff team (right to left) Diversity Peer Educators: Lauren Jacobs (she/her), Darren Wilson (he/him), Nancy Bahena (she/her), and Diversity Officer, Jessica Chang (she/her)


  • The Identity & Allyship Awareness Badge (IAAB) Program (previously called the Identity & Allyship Awareness Certificate program) is a year-long, foundational social justice consciousness program facilitated through the Center for Inclusive Excellence in partnership with One SDSU. There will also be opportunities to connect with the Cultural Centers on campus. Students learn about the foundations of inclusion such as implicit bias, microaggressions, identity, privilege, and inclusive communication. Then, throughout the year, participate in a variety of learning formats to critically examine one's own beliefs regarding their personal identities and privileges while understanding how they can play a role in active, lifelong allyship and humility.
  • Student testimonials:
    • "The number of things I’ve learned in previously-named IAAC really is amazing, there are so many things I don’t know if I would’ve learned or even been aware of had I not done this certification program. I think in school or even in our personal lives, identities, bias, how to deal with microaggressions, those aren’t things that are frequently talked about. IAAC has really helped remind me that my experiences and my view on the world and what goes on are largely impacted by the life I’ve lived thus far, the culture I grew up in, the people I surround myself with, etc. I see things the way I do because of my identities. But, my identity isn’t the only identity that exists. I truly think that the IAAC certification better prepared me to do that, in a way that my other classes likely couldn’t have." - Jordyn, Spring 2021 IAAC graduate
  • Click here for more about the Identity & Allyship Awareness Badge (IAAB) Program
  • Flyer for Identity and Allyship Awarenessc Badge offered in 2 semesters to SDSU students to learn about the foundations of inclusion

  • Currently, we have a small team of Diversity Peer Educators who build inclusive curriculum, outreach and partner with students across campus, and facilitate Intro to Inclusion workshops. We typically recruit each spring semester for the following academic year.

Our CIE Student & Staff Team 
A groups of women are standing together outside on a green grass feils smiling with their arms around eachother

  • Interested in getting an idea of how to incorporate diversity work in practice? This opportunity is unpaid, however we would like to strongly work with you to work with your major or minor department to obtain course credit.
  • Internships are offered in the Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters
  • Please reach out to [email protected] if you have any questions or would like to start the application process
  • Spring 2022, we hosted our inaugural CIE student interns: Sydney Berard-Moore and Cesar Romero! 
  • cie student interns

    Our Spring 2022 CIE intern, student, staff team (left to right) Jessica Chang (she/her), Cathleen Li (she/her), Nancy Bahena (she/her),  Sydney Berard-Moore (she/hers) and Cesar Romero (he/him)

  • Every semester, we offer an introduction into implicit biases and microaggressions workshop as part of our commitment to foster an inclusive, anti-racist campus community.

  • Implicit biases and microaggressions create inequities and contribute to an uncomfortable learning or working environment. This workshop, developed by the CIE team, introduces these concepts through a student-lens to increase their understanding of inequities on campus, and it serves as a prerequisite for many other programs such as the Identity & Allyship Awareness Badge (IAAB) Program.

  • This is an hour and a half long interactive workshop.
  • For workshop dates, please check this website.
  • We also have an opportunity for you to take a self-paced version of this workshop called, Creating an Equity-Minded Campus Community. We hope this will provide the opportunity to support more informed conversations about inequities and social justice issues on your teams and across the campus. If you go straight through the content, it should take about 2-2.5 hours (120-180 min) to complete the 4 modules. Students can self-enroll.

  • Offered through the Center for Inclusive Excellence in collaboration with the Office of Restorative Practices and the Office of Dean of Students, this workshop promotes the understanding and reflection of identity, bias, and power within student leadership. This three hour workshop starts with introducing the concepts of implicit bias and microaggressions through a student-lens to increase the understanding of self-awareness and inequities on campus. The second half of this workshop focuses on inclusive communication strategies such as practicing empathy, affective language, and conflict styles to offer tangible skills when working through differences. This is based on the CIE development framework that guides our professional learning and development activities and recognizes that in order to become equitable and inclusive leaders, individuals must not only develop Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion (JEDI) knowledge and skills but must develop dispositions such as self-awareness, empathy, and that this is a continuous, on-going journey.

Our 2022-2023 ILAT Student & Staff Team

 a group of women stand and crouch in front of a presentation screen that says Recognized Student Organization Inclusive Leadership Awareness
  • Allyship Seminars
  • Residential Education Office
  • New Student Parent Programs: Orientation Modules
  • One SDSU
  • Center for Intercultural Relations
  • Cultural Centers
  • AAPIphany
  • Counseling and Psychological Services
  • Student Life & Leadership
  • Career Services
  • Fraternity & Sorority Life
  • Recognized Student Organization: Inclusive Leadership Awareness Training (ILAT, formerly SOCIA) 
  • We are in the process of adding, building, and developing diversity education topics, if you have ideas or suggestions, please submit them here. Some examples include: intersectionality 101, cultural capital connections.
  • We will hopefully expand opportunities for student interns as we continue to grow.